


Day of Risk-Free trading
GC Option活动 «零风险交易日»—这是专属我们所有的期权账户客户、零交易亏损的一天。

1.2活动承办方(以下简称主办方)为GC Option盛大资本。
2.1所有GC Option的客户皆可参加.
2.3活动适用交易账户类型:真实期权账户(Real Binary),真实期权进阶账户(Real Binary Pro)。
2.4 客户有权于每个日历月获得一整日的亏损补偿。为满足申请补偿条件,客户应于当月于期权账户入金至少一次。客户可任选欲申请补偿之日期,惟补偿申请应于亏损时间算起31日内申请。所有补偿金额将以红利形式返还至账上。
3 提交申请、红利取得及有效期
3.1 领取红利请至个人主页奖金专区—【零风险交易日】选取欲申请补偿的账户及日期,并按下【获得奖金】。
3.2 补偿金在提交申请后会立刻计入账户。
4.2欲将红利转为个人资金请提交申请。请于讯息中标注 ««零风险交易日»—红利转为个人资金»、交易账户编号及姓名。申请书无固定格式,可以电子邮件发送或透过个人主页。
5.1活动索赔可发送电子邮件至:[email protected].

IB contest "Big Team"
Participate to increase your partner commission! - Contest period: 1st of February — 28th of February 2018. - All verified web partners can participate in the contest. - Increase your current commission by up to +20%. - Email at [email protected] to register for the contest.

The rules of the “Big team” contest

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1. Grand Capital Ltd. is the sole organizer of the ”Big team” promotion (hereinafter “The contest”).

1.2 The contest period: 1st of February 2018 — 28th of February 2018.

1.3. Everyone who wishes and complies with the contest requirements can take part in the contest.

1.4. The staff of Grand Capital Ltd. and members of their families are not allowed to participate in the contest.

1.5. All participants of the contest are to read these rules attentively and follow them. Ignorance of the contest rules can’t serve as an argument when presenting a claim.

1.6. The contest is considered to have successfully taken place if the following condition is fulfilled: no fewer than 10 participants for each nomination should attract at least 2 new clients during the period since 1st till 28th of February.

1.7. The company has the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest at any time.

1.8. The company has the right to revise the results and to disqualify the participant if any rule of the contest is broken.

2. Participation in the contest

2.1. Only partners who went through verification procedure can participate in the contest.

2.2. To participate in the contest a partner must send a letter of registration via email [email protected]. The letter should contain client’s full name and the number of his/her partner account.

2.3. Personal data provided by the participant upon registration of an account has to match the Documents uploaded in the Personal Cabinet, in accordance with the Regulation.

2.3. Contest registration is open during the whole period of contest duration – from 10 AM (GMT+3) 01.02.2018 till 10 PM (GMT +3) 28.02.2018

2.5. Those who will go through verification procedure and create a partner account during the period of contest duration can participate in the contest.

2.6. After a successful contest registration procedure, participant’s account number is transferred to the company’s list of contest participants.

2.7. To participate in the contest and to be considered for the award a participant should attract at least 2 new active clients.

2.8. It is prohibited to register multiple accounts and to use different accounts from same IP address.

3. Dates of the contest

3.1. Contest duration is 4 weeks.

3.2. The contest starts on 01.02.2018 at 10 AM (GMT+3). The contest ends 28.02.2018 at 10 PM (GMT +3).

4. Contest results

4.1. Only clients who meet the following requirements are counted as new active clients:

4.1.1. Clients who went through verification procedure.

4.1.2. Clients who were registered during the period of contest duration or have not been active more than 90 days before the contest.

4.1.3. Clients should make at least one trade during the contest. The trade should last more than 5 minutes.

4.1.4. Only clients with Option, Standard, ECN accounts are counted.

4.1.5. Clients should at one time make a deposit of at least $100 on accounts Standard and Options and of at least $500 on an ECN account in the period of contest duration.

4.2. The winners will be proclaimed in two nominations:

4.2.1. ‘Quick Start’ – the maximum of new active clients with deposits of $100 or more on accounts Standard and Options by the end of February.

4.2.2. ‘Step Forward’ – the maximum of new active clients with deposits of $500 or more on accounts ECN by the end of February.

4.3. The three contestants in each nomination with the maximum of new active clients will be proclaimed the winners.

4.4 A special prize is awarded in each nomination for the largest deposit volume of all clients attracted by the partner. For that all new active clients in each nomination are considered, disregarding the minimum deposit amount.

4.5 The winners receive prizes depending on the contest nomination.

4.5.1. In the ‘Quick Start’ nomination:

1st place – additional 15% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 2 months, no more than twice.

2nd place – additional 10% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 1 months, no more than once.

3rd place – additional 5% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

Special prize – additional 5% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

4.5.2. In the ‘Step Forward’ nomination:

1st place – additional 20% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 2 months, no more than twice.

2nd place – additional 15% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 1 months, no more than once.

3rd place – additional 10% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

Special prize – additional 10% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

5. Additional conditions

5.1. Administration of the contest has the right to revise the results and disqualify any participant(s) without noticing him/her if any rule of the contest is broken.

5.2. The company holds the right to use information about winners for advertising and marketing purposes in any mass media without the participants’ consent.

5.3. Final results of the contest will be announced in the period of 1st to 5th March 2018.

5.4 The prize amount will be granted after the partner commission is paid. The prize funds will be gradually deposited during three months before the 15th of each month.

在外汇市场上第一次! 我们的无存款的赠金比其他更好。
- 获得 $500 - 交易7天之内, 开始真实的交易;
- 不需要初始存款;
- 出金的利润;

«$500欢迎赠金» 活动条款:

1. 总则
1.2活动的组织单位是 Grand Capital公司.
2. 参与者
2.1活动的参与者只可以是公司的新客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户.
2.3参与活动的账户类型: «$500欢迎赠金» 的账户与交易条件类似的标准 (Standard)账户。
2.7 此项活动不适用于公司其他活动
3. 赠金活动的申请

4. 赠金的收取
4.8 欲激活真实账户,您需于7日内(含假日)存入与红利账户利润相等或更高数目的存款(但不低于最低初次入金)。
4.10在獎金賬戶獲得的利潤是可以撤回交易的真實賬戶數量為1手 (100手的帳戶類型 Micro) 5美元的利潤後速度。
4.11 利润部分出金是不可能的
4.12為轉移的獎金所有權要發送一個請求。指定郵件主題“$ 500 - 沒有存款獎金” - 獎金“的所有權的轉移,賬戶號碼和姓名的申請提交通過e-mail或個人賬戶。
4.14 一旦检测到超过五个连接到该帐户属于中国和/或其他国家的不同地区不同的IP地址,该帐户可能会被取消资格和所累积的奖金。如被发现滥用本活动奖金,欺诈或者伪造证件,公司有权利没收本活动奖金并拒绝向该客户提供服务
4.15 在赠金的帐户严禁多方向交易。公司在任何时间可以拒绝授予奖金金额,以及无条件的取消现有的奖金金额。

5. 索赔事项
5.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].


- 小于999 USD(奖金数额-25%);
-1000到4999 USD (50%);
-5000 到19 999 USD (75%);
-20 000 USD 或者更高(100%).
10. 活动中取出资金被认为是提款申请,并转到其它账户。
11. 奖金是不可取出的余款,不能从交易账户取出。利用这些资金完成交易所获得的利润,客户可以不受限制的使用。如果未平仓利润低于账户资本,奖金将被扣除,账户将被锁定。
12. 如果积极的交易,奖金是可以慢慢的转化为客户的私有资金的。转移1$到客户的私有资金,必须要完成5手交易(如果是微型账户需要500手)。奖金转为私有的最小申请额-50美金。 在个人主页上提出申请。
14. 公司有权更改条件和活动时间,以及拒绝转入奖金和支付通过奖金获得的利润,如果出现滥用活动条款的情况。

目前的折扣 “100% 成功贸易” 您的存款还是吃亏不产生结果吗。让我们支持您的贸易。从10月6号到11 月15 号充值以下项目 «标准», «微型»和 «无隔夜利息» 至少500美元您可以领到 100% 的赠金,赠金将分配到您每个买卖交易,不论是获利的交易或者是赔本的交易.改善您的贸易!

1. 总则
1.1 活动“商业 动机” 的进行是从自10月6号起到11月15 号 .
1.2“商业 动机”的举办单位是 Grand Capital公司
2. 参加者
2.2参与该活动的帐户类型可以是“标准”, “微型” 和 “无隔夜利息”。
2.5活动参与者必须熟读必备的规则,并且遵循规则. 不知道规则不是投诉的参数。
2.6 账户只可以参加这一次活动.
2.7 如果这个账户已经存在公司其他活动的赠金,赠金活动“100% 成功贸易”可以收到赠金在客户提出申请取消之前的赠金后和完成这次活动的所有条件
3. 赠金的收取
3.1 我们将给与存款超过500美金的账户赠金.
3.2 活动仅仅针对真正的账户,账户类型包括“标准”, “微型” 和 “无隔夜利息”,可以使用任何经济杠杆。
3.3 奖金数额等于充值的总和,例如充值金额为500 美元, 那么您将得到500美元奖金。
3.4 使用赠金所收到的利润,是可以提现的.
3.5如果要参加这次活动,必须在活动期间充值超过500美金,,账户类型包括“标准”, “微型” 和“无隔夜利息”。然后在个人账户中点“参加活动”按键。
3.6 为了获这个奖金,您必须完成交易。对于外汇交易需要一手等于十美金,对于期货交易需要一手等于二十美金。
3.7 奖金是每天自动计算加成的,之后获得奖金的数额的百分之十的交易量。
3.8 给予第一部分赠金的百分之五十当完成所需要金额后。
3.9 要获得剩下的百分之五十赠金,您必须续交您第一次获取赠金所相等金额。
4.2 赠金的期限可以再延长四个月,如果你在第一次获得全部赠金结束前,再注入账户不少于赠金百分之十的金额。
5. 索赔事项
5.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].
5.3 主办人保留权利更改活动的条款和奖金的清单。
5.4 主办人保留随时取消活动的权利。如果您有什么问题,您可以通过电子邮件联系客户经理。

欢迎奖金活动 (促销活动) 获取无入金开户奖金$25!

欢迎奖金活动 (促销活动)

“ $25 Forex Expo Shanghai 2014”活动条件:

1.1活动举办时间从2014年12月 8日 到 2014 年12月 31日。
1.2活动的举办单位是Grand Capital公司。
2. 参与者
2.1活动的参与者只可以是公司的新客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户。
2.2活动只针对Shanghai Forex Expo 2014的参加者。
2.7活动参与者必须熟读必备的规则,并且遵循规则。 不知道规则不是投诉的参数。
2.8 账户只可以参加这一次活动。
2.9如果这个账户已经存在公司其他活动的赠金, 赠金活动
“欢迎奖金 Forex Expo Shanghai 2014 ” 可以收到赠金在客户提出申请取消之前的赠金后和完成这次活动的所有条件。

需要在奖金活动的页面按“获得奖金 ”的按键后,熟读网站上的规则。
4.3.1 在活动结束后赠金将在你的账户中移除,在活动中如果取钱需要手续费。
4.4 在贸易账户中,活动作用的奖金,禁止通过匿名代理服务器进行交易。一旦检测到超过五个连接到该帐户属于中国和/或其他国家的不同地区不同的IP地址,该帐户可能会被取消资格和所累积的奖金。如被发现滥用本活动奖金,欺诈或者伪造证件,公司有权利没收本活动奖金并拒绝向该客户提供服务。
4.5 在第一次取钱的时候需要支付$25的手续费,账户内的交易也需要缴纳相同的费用。手续费不能使用赠金来支付。所有其他关于赠金活动的结论都必须遵循完成公司非贸易的规则。
5. 索赔事项
5.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].

«新年 - 0%» 摆脱新年的忧虑 - 我们取消存款支付系统的佣金!

«新年 - 0%»的活动条件:
从2014年12月15日到2015年01月15日 - 我们退还存款支付系统的佣金。
1. 总则
1.1. 活动举办时间从2014年12月 15日 到 2015 年01月 15日。
1.2. 活动的举办单位是Grand Capital公司。
1.3. 主办人保留权利更改活动的条款和奖金的清单。
1.4. 主办人保留随时取消活动的权利。
2. 参与者
2.1. 活动的参与者可以是公司的所有客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户。
2.2. 参与者完成身份验证后方能参加本次活动。身份验证需要上传身份证扫描件及电话验证。
2.3. 如果在活动期间参与者存入金您的账户, 所以客户不应该付佣金的支付系统。
2.4. 这个优惠有效期只有如果客户交易在活动期间是事实。
3. 索赔事项
3.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].

$15欢迎赠金活动 贸易在一个真实的账户,但是不需要存一分钱。我们可以帮助你,无入金开户赠金15美金给您的微型账户。


1.1活动举办时间从 2015年02月02日 ~ 2015年02月15日。
1.2活动的举办单位是Grand Capital公司。

2. 参与者
2.1活动的参与者只可以是公司的新客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户.
2.7活动参与者必须熟读必备的规则,并且遵循规则. 不知道规则不是投诉的参数。
2.8 账户只可以参加这一次活动.
2.9如果这个账户已经存在公司其他活动的赠金,赠金活动 “$15欢迎赠金”活动 可以收到赠金在客户提出申请取消之前的赠金后和完成这次活动的所有条件.


4.3.1 在活动结束后赠金将在你的账户中移除,在活动中如果取钱需要手续费。
4.4 在贸易账户中,活动作用的奖金,禁止通过匿名代理服务器进行交易。一旦检测到超过五个连接到该帐户属于中国和/或其他国家的不同地区不同的IP地址,该帐户可能会被取消资格和所累积的奖金。如被发现滥用本活动奖金,欺诈或者伪造证件,公司有权利没收本活动奖金并拒绝向该客户提供服务。
4.5 在第一次取钱的时候需要支付15美金的手续费,账户内的交易也需要缴纳相同的费用。手续费不能使用赠金来支付。所有其他关于赠金活动的结论都必须遵循完成公司非贸易的规则。

5. 索赔事项
5.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].

年息20% 从2014年12月15日到2015年01月31日获得每日计提的可用资金和获取资金在个人财产, 如果到2015年02月01日没有取出资金。

1. 总则
1.1 活动举办时间从2014年12月 16日 到 2015 年01月 31日。
1.2 活动的举办单位是Grand Capital公司。
1.3 主办人保留权利更改活动的条款和奖金的清单。
1.4 主办人保留随时取消活动的权利。

2. 参与者
2.1 活动的参与者可以是公司的所有客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户。
2.2 参与者完成身份验证后方能参加本次活动。身份验证需要上传身份证扫描件及电话验证。
2.3 活动的参与者不可以是公司员工和他的亲人.
2.4 活动参与者必须熟读必备的规则,并且遵循规则. 不知道规则不是投诉的参数。

3. 赠金活动的申请
3.2. 为了收到奖金的财产,客户必须从计算进行交易:如果你想获得1美元奖,你需要做1手交易量。
3.3 在日历月结束,赠金自动成为您的财产
3.4 对赠金而没有足够的交易量取消。
3.5 在贸易账户中,活动作用的奖金,禁止通过匿名代理服务器进行交易。一旦检测到超过五个连接到该帐户属于中国和/或其他国家的不同地区不同的IP地址,该帐户可能会被取消资格和所累积的奖金。如被发现滥用本活动奖金,欺诈或者伪造证件,公司有权利没收本活动奖金并拒绝向该客户提供服务。
3.5 合作伙伴的手续费不可以使用赠金来支付。
3.6 赠金是公司的财产
4. 索赔事项
4.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].

我们给每个存入赠送100%的奖金,没有限制的交量! 如果您想获得赠金,账户杠杆不超过1:100。

1.1活动举办时间从2014年12月 25日 到 2015 年02月 16日。
1.2活动的举办单位是Grand Capital公司。
2. 参与者
2.1活动的参与者可以是公司的所有客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户。活动“100%的赠金”只针对中国人。
2.3参与活动的账户类型:Micro (微型),Standard(标准),Swap Free(无隔夜利息)。
2.5 为收到赠金, 在活动时间您必须存入交易账户。每个账户的存入 - 客户有权获得赠金。100%的赠金等于客户帐户的金额。
2.8活动参与者必须熟读必备的规则,并且遵循规则。 不知道规则不是投诉的参数。
2.9 账户只可以参加这一次活动。如果这个账户已经存在公司其他活动的赠金, 100%
3.2 在您的个人主页选择 “活动和奖金”,需要在100%的赠金活动的页面按“收取赠金”的按键后,熟读网站上的规则。
4.2 如果客户取出资金,赠金量减少对取出资金(比如说取出100美元资金, 赠金减少100美元)
4.5 赠金是公司的财产,主办人保留随时取消赠金。
5. 奖金是不可从交易账户中取出的。用奖金所赚钱的利润,客户可以自由支配。
5.1如果客户的帐户上没有资金, 所以不能用赠金。
6. 索赔事项
6.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].

成为Grand Capital IB合作伙伴

1. 促销活动举行2015年01月01日 到2015年02月28日
2. 活动的参与者可以是公司的所有客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户
3. 如果您想参加活动,您必须在您的个人主页注册IB账户,您应该与Grand Capital签署合作伙伴 (IB)契约。
4. 合作伙伴签署契约了活动期间,获得升高合作伙伴的报酬到2015年02月结束前。
5. 合伙人的佣金:
• 外汇工具每一个标准手15美元报酬不管输入/出。
• CFD差价合约工具每一个标准手报酬,按百分比计算40%。
• ECN帐户每一个标准手报酬,按百分比计算40%。
• 对于期权账户,进出交易10%比的佣金 (交易大小从 $100000)
• 外汇工具每一个标准手18美元报酬不管输入/出。
• CFD差价合约工具每一个标准手报酬,按百分比计算50%。
• ECN帐户每一个标准手报酬,按百分比计算50%。
• 对于期权账户,进出交易20%比的佣金 (交易大小从 $100000)

6. 从2015年3月1日成为标准地条件,即,报酬计算将依赖于量输入/输出报告月份。
7. 如果您想获得升高合作伙伴的报酬,在您的网站, 博客或者论坛,必须张贴我们公司的广告条和公司的信息(我们发给您公司的旗帜)。 如果您不张贴我们公司的旗帜,本公司有权视提供给您标准条件的合作伙伴的报酬。

邀请好友 — 获得奖金
You have already registered with Grand Capital and want to earn more? Send invitations to your friends to trade with us and we will pay you for every friend that sings up!

1. General terms and conditions
1.1 The promotion is not limited in time.
1.2 Grand Capital is the sole organizer
1.3 The organizer is able to change the conditions and the list of the bonuses
1.4 The promotion can be terminated at any time. In this case, a proper announcement will be made.

2. Participants
2.1 Both new and existing clients of Grand Capital, Ltd. can participate in the promotion.
2.2 To participate in the promotion, a client should verify his/her mobile phone and provide necessary documents to the organizer.

3. Promotion
3.1 In order to participate, go to your Private office and click "refer to a friend" button.
3.2 In the pop-up window, fill in the required fields (your friend's name and his/her email).
3.3 Create (or choose) a partner's account - it is where your commission will be deposited to.
3.4 If your friend registers in a 30-day period after the invitation had been sent, you will be getting a certain amount from his/her profitable trades, which is stated in the Agreement.
3.5 The number of friends invited to register with Grand Capital in one day cannot exceed 20 (twenty).

4. Claims
4.1 You can send all the inquiries/submit a claim, you can do it by emailing: [email protected]
4.2. All claims should include your first name and last name, the address of the participant, account number and complete description of the issue.

The first 20 PAMM Managers who apply will be able to receive 30%, 50% or 100% deposit bonus! Don’t miss your chance - claim it now!

1. General terms
1.1. The promotion is valid from June 1, 2015
1.2. The Company-organizer is GrandCapital.
1.3. The Company reserves the rights to change the promotion conditions and refuse to receive bonus.
1.4. The Company reserves the rights to cancel bonus.

2. Participants
2.1 The first 20 clients of Company who deposit PAMM account during promotion, can take part in the promotion.
2.2. Only verified users can participate in the promotion. For verification, you should upload the scan of your passport to Private Office. You should also verify your mobile number. The organizer reserves the right to require additional documents for verification.
2.3. Types of accounts involved in the promotion: PAMM.
2.4. Your account’s leverage can’t exceed 1:100.
2.5. To get the bonus you should refill your PAMM account during the promotion. Bonus size depends on amount of deposit:
30% for deposit up to $500
50% for deposit from$500 up to $1000
100% for deposit from $1000 up to $5000
2.6. Internal transfers aren’t equal to deposit.
2.7. Maximum summary bonus can’t be more than $20 000.
2.8. The employees of the Company and their families can’t participate in the promotion.
2.9. the participant should read these terms and follow these rules. Ignorance of the rules isn’t reason for the claim.
2.10. Other promotions of the Company aren’t applied to the account participating in this promotion.
2.11. Bonus goes to the account after other bonuses are canceled.

3. Application for the bonus

3.1. To receive the bonus you should apply for participation in Private Office.
3.2. Bonus funds will be available to the withdrawal after uploading scan of passport or another identity document.

4. Getting bonus

4.1. Bonus goes to an account automatically in case of the compliance with conditions of the order.
4.2. In case of withdrawal the bonus size decreases to amount equal withdrawal sum.
4.3. Internal transfers, commissions and other similar operations are equal to withdrawal.
4.4. Bonus funds are credited for 6 calendar months.
4.4.1. The Company reserves the right to refuse to grant bonus funds with no explanations.
4.5. On the trading account with the bonus funds is prohibited to trade through an anonymous proxy server. If the account with the bonus funds will connect with more than 5 different IP-addresses then the bonus will be canceled.
4.6. In case of fraud or suspicion of using scheme “bonus-hunting” the Company reserves the right to deduct or cancel all bonus funds without notice. As a basis for the revision of the results can be a lack of trading activity on the account.
4.7. For getting bonus, bonus size can’t exceed the account balance.

5. Claims
5.1. Claims for the shares may be directed to e-mail: [email protected].
5.2. All the claims must include first and last name, address, account number and detailed description of the claim.

Until August 31, we will compensate the fee for the first 20 transactions on all CFD instruments.

1. General terms
1.1. The promotion is valid from June 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015.
1.2. The company-organizer is Grand Capital.
1.3. The company reserves the rights to change the promotional conditions.
1.4. The company reserves the rights to cancel bonus.
2. Participants
2.1. To participate you should register Private Office during promotions or early.
2.2. Types of account involved in promotion: Standard.
2.3. Instruments involved in promotion: CFD.
2.4. The participant gets full compensation of fee for the first 20 CFD transactions that is opened and closed during promotion.
3. Claims
3.1. Claims for the shares may be directed to e-mail: [email protected].
3.2. All the claims must include first and last name, address, account number and detailed description of the claim.


1. 一般条款
1.2.组织方是Grand Capital公司。
4.1.赠金出金需要完成所出金额40倍的交易量。例如,为了提出10$您就需要完成400$的交易量。转移至房地产基金的最低金额应为$ 15。
5.1.索赔可以通过发送邮件到e-mail:[email protected]

Contest “Sprint $5000” is: - The grand prize is $5000 - $2000 – 2nd place - $1000 – 3rd place - There are also 50 prizes worth $10 each reserved for participants who will take places from 4th to 53th. - All prize funds are available for withdrawal at any time with no hidden conditions applied.

Contest Terms and Conditions
1. General terms and conditions
1.1 Promotion “Sprint $5000” (hereinafter “The contest”) is held from 14th till 25st of December 2015.
1.2 The contest is organized by Grand Capital Ltd. (hereafter “The Company”)
1.3 Total prize fund is 8500USD.
1.4 Only real Standard accounts can be used to participate in the contest.
1.5 The minimum deposit amount required to participate is 100USD.

2. Participants
2.1 Both new and existing clients of Grand Capital Ltd. with real Standard accounts can participate in the contest.
2.2 Clients who have multiple accounts can only use a single account to participate in the contest.
2.3 Employees of Grand Capital Ltd. and their relatives cannot participate in the competition.
2.4 Clients who had previously claimed any bonus amount can also participate in the contest.
2.5 A participant must follow the Rules and read them carefully. The fact that the client doesn’t know the rules cannot be considered as a valid claim reason.

3. Participation in the contest
3.1 In order to participate, one has to open a Standard account or use one of the existing Standard accounts.
3.2 Personal data provided by the participant upon registration of a Standard account has to match the Documents uploaded in the Personal Cabinet, in accordance with the Regulation. If the data does not match, Grand Capital holds the right to disqualify the participant at any time.
3.3 To register go to the contest page located in your Private Office, create your contest username, choose the account you wish to use and confirm your participation.
3.4 After a successful contest registration procedure, participant’s client number is transferred to the company’s list of contest participants.
3.5 Contest registration is open during the whole period of contest duration – till 6 pm (GMT +3) 18.09.2015
3.6 You can follow the results in our online leaderboard.
3.7 If a client has a Personal Office, but does not have a Standard account, he/she can open a Standard account and register it in the contest.
3.8 If a client does not have a Personal Office with Grand Capital Ltd, he/she should register on the website. After that, access to Personal Office will be granted, where the client can open Standard account in order to participate in the contest.
3.9 It is forbidden to trade using same IP address for multiple Personal Offices, as well as using proxy servers for trading. If more that 5 (five) IP addresses (from different regions) will be used to log into and operate the same account, the account will be disqualified automatically.
3.10 The Company is obliged to ensure confidentiality of all the contest participants. Only contest usernames created by the participants upon contest registration will be published. The company reserves the right to use any information about winners (except the real names and account numbers) for advertising and marketing purposes in any media without the participants’ consent.

4. Dates of the contest
4.1. Contest duration is 2 weeks (10 working days).
4.2. The contest starts on 14.12.2015 at 00:01 AM (GMT +3). The contest ends on 25.12.2015 at 11:59 PM (GMT +3). The contest results will be available after 28st of December.

5. Contest account transactions
5.1. While performing any transaction participants must follow “The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions” and affiliated documents.
5.2. Maximum leverage cannot be higher than 1:100.
5.3. Any assets can be traded in order to increase your rating (except shares of Russian and American companies: CFD STOCKS US, Russian STOCKS). Only closed trades at the moment of the contest expiration can be used to determine the final results. Open trades cannot be used for rating calculation.
5.4. There is no limit to the number of simultaneously open positions.
5.5. Maximum amount of open Lots is 25.
5.6. Multidirectional trading is prohibited.
5.7 If any malicious activity or actions that contradict with the terms and conditions of the contest or The Company’s regulations are detected, the participant associated with it will be disqualified.

6. The contest results
6.1 All the results of the contest will be published on the company’s website in an online rating (aka leaderboard) which updates every 2 hours. The results published on the website while the contest is still taking place cannot be considered final.
6.2 The three traders with the largest trading volume on the account will receive prized as follows:
$5000 – 1st place
$2000 – 2nd place
$1000 – 3rd place
There are also 50 prizes worth $10 each reserved for participants which would take places from 4th to 53th.
6.3 The prize funds can only be deposited to the real Standard account used to participate in the Contest. The trading volume on this account during its participation in the Contest should amount to no less than 1 (one) full lot.
6.4 Participants can withdraw prize funds at any time after they are deposited to the participant’s account
6.5 Final results of the contest will be determined in 3 (three) working days time upon the contest completion and will be published on the company’s website not later than 4 working days after the contest ends.
6.6 Prize funds will be deposited to the winners’ accounts in 4 (four) working days time after the final results are announced.
6.7 Prize funds are deposited according to the company’s exchange rate. If order to receive the prize funds the winner must request it through the Private Office.
In order to request the prize funds follow the instructions:
1.Go to your Private Office – Support – Create Ticket
In the title you should state:
Contest name, Contest dates, Your position in the rating.
2.In the Text field you will need to state:
Standard account number
Your Full name
For example:
Title: Contest “Sprint $5000”
1st place
Text: Account Standard №123123, Markus McKinsley
6.8 The winners are determined as following:
-To calculate the rating we use a Trade Volume, according to which the participants’ positions are calculated (the higher the volume, the higher participant’s position is).
-The Volume is calculated with the formula: V=N*(B+D/100), where
N – total number of Lots traded, B – account balance at the moment the contest starts, D – deposits made while the contest was going on.
Example: Participant’s Initial deposit was 200USD. During the round the following orders were opened: EURUSD – 1.6 Lots, USDCAD – 1.2 Lots. During the round the participant deposited additional $150 to the account. In this case, the final result will be calculated as following:
V=(1.6+1.2+2.1)*(200+150/100)=987,35 (the Volume will be shown in the rating)
6.9 If it is determined that the winner used fraud schemes to achieve the results, he/she will be disqualified and the prize funds will be given to the next participant in the rating.
6.10 The final results cannot and shall not be revised.

7. Claims
7.1 All claims, which arise during the contest regarding account transactions will be dealt with according to The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions.
7.2 If the rating is boosted intentionally with abusing various system malfunctions or inaccuracy in the formulas or the Terms and conditions of the Contest, Grand Capital Ltd. has the right to issue a warning or disqualify the participant. Also, if any fraudulent behavior is detected, the Company has the right to disqualify such participant.
7.3 The disputes will be resolved based on common market practice.
7.4 All claims regarding the Contest can be sent to [email protected]
7.5 All the claims should contain the following information: Participant’s full name, Participant’s Residential Address, Account Number and Full description of the problem.

8. Force Majeure
8.1 The company can suspend or terminate the contest if a considerable amount of participants are put in unfair conditions compared to the remaining participants.
8.2 In the event of termination of the Contest, the company may resume it with the same participants (having saved their account at the time of suspension or restore the state of the accounts as it was at the beginning of the contest), or hold the registration again and the launch a new contest. Should such event occur, the company will notify the clients by announcement published on the website).
8.3 If the contest is not resumed and therefore, not completed, the results of the contest cannot be considered Final and cannot be a reason for awarding prizes.
8.4 The company holds the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest at any time.

中国客户独享47.14%高额红利 您每次入金都可领取47.14%红利,无金额上限! 领取此赠金的账户杠杆不得超过1:100。

1.2活动的举办单位是Grand Capital公司。
2.1活动的参与者可以是公司的所有客户, 在活动期间第一次注册个人账户的客户
2.3参与活动的账户类型:Standard(标准),Swap Free(无隔夜利息), 投资者账户,管理者账户。
2.5为收到赠金, 在活动时间您必须存入金交易账户。每个存入金 - 客户有权获得赠金。+ 47,14% 的赠金等于客户帐户的存入金额。
2.8活动参与者必须熟读必备的规则,并且遵循规则。 不知道规则不是投诉的参数。
2.9账户只可以参加这一次活动。如果这个账户已经存在公司其他活动的赠金, + 47,14%.
3.2 如果您想出取赠金, 您需要在个人主页上传身份证扫描件及电话验证。
4.1当完成所有活动的条件后,客户服务处理您的申请,然后赠金将自动在48小时 (2天)内打到客户的账户。
4.2如果客户取出资金,赠金量减少对47, 14%的取出余额。
4.4.1 赠金可用于交易的6个月,你可以把赠金数额和赠金的10%将用于6个月。
4.4.2. 赠金是公司的财产,主办人保留随时取消赠金
4.6. 奖金不超过账户余额。
5.1 如果客户成功地交易,赠金金额逐渐成为客户的金额。客户必须使交易,从一个标准的手, 客户可以获得所有权$3金额。最低的赠金的金额是$50。

6. 索赔事项
6.1活动的索赔可发往下列电子邮件 :[email protected].

Bonus 200
200% Bonus
最慷慨的赠金!每次充值都能获得最高200%赠金。 - 每次充值可获得60%至200%赠金。 - 入金$100起 - 适用标准、伊斯兰、及期权账户

Terms of the offer "200% bonus"

1. General terms
1.1 The promotion runs from the 28th of September until the 30th of November 2020.
1.2 Grand Capital is the sole organizer of the promotion.
1.3 The organizer has the right to change the terms of the promotion, as well as the list and characteristics of the bonuses offered.
1.4 All promotion participants must carefully read the terms of the promotion and follow them. Ignorance of the promotion terms cannot serve as a valid reason when submitting a claim.
1.5 The organizer has the right to cancel the promotion at any time.

2. Participants
2.1 All clients of Grand Capital can take part in the promotion. That includes those who open a Grand Capital trading account during the term of the promotion.
2.2 Valid phone verification and submitted Identification Documents, as well as the confirmation of the residential address, are mandatory for the participation.
2.3 Types of the trading accounts that can take part in the promotion: Standard, Swap Free.
2.4 The leverage for the trading account that was chosen to participate in the promotion cannot exceed 1:100.
2.5 To receive a bonus, a client must deposit to their trading account during the term of the promotion. The client has the right to claim the bonus after each deposit. The bonus amount may be between 60% and 200% depending on the deposit amount, client’s account type and how long they have been trading with Grand Capital.
2.6 The term of the client’s trading in Grand Capital is calculated as the time difference between the registration of the Private Office and the date the request to claim the bonus is submitted. The deposit amount in USD is calculated according to the internal exchange rate of the Organizer at the moment the request to claim the bonus is submitted.
2.7 The bonus amount is calculated according to the following formula:

Account type

Basic bonus: +40%

Deposit amount

From $100 to $300 + 15%
From $300 to $500 + 25%
From $500 to $1,000 + 35 %
From $1,000 to $3,000 + 45 %
Over $3,000 + 60%

The term of trading with Grand Capital

—under half a year: +30%
—0.5–1.5 years: +40%
—1.5–2 years: +50%
—2–3 years: +70%
—over 3 years: +100%

2.8 The minimum deposit amount required to participate in the promotions is $100.
2.9 The maximum amount of the bonuses received cannot exceed 20 000 $
2.10 Employees of Grand Capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.11 Other Grand Capital promotions cannot be applied to the account participating in the “Individual bonus +200%” promotion.
2.12 If other bonuses/promotions have already been applied to the account that a client wishes to use to participate in the “Individual bonus +200%” promotion, the bonus can be granted only after all other promotions/bonuses had been deactivated. That only can be done after the client’s personal request and provided all the conditions of the promotion are met.
2.13 A bonus coefficient is set for the account participating in the promotion, according to the pp.2.7 (Bonus amount). The bonus coefficient is set at the time of the initial deposit.
2.14 For all consecutive deposits the bonus is granted automatically, in accordance with the account’s Bonus coefficient.
2.15 If the amounts of the consecutive deposits are larger than the initial deposit amount or at the moment of a consecutive deposit the client has reached a new level of the term of trading with the company, then the account’s Bonus coefficient is automatically recalculated upward, according to the pp 2.7 (Bonus amount).

3. Bonus request
3.1 To receive a bonus, a client must create a request in their Private Office or contact a personal manager.

5 Claiming the bonus

5.1 The request to claim the bonus is reviewed by the client support within 48 hours. The bonus is then granted to the client’s trading account.
5.2 The bonus funds are granted for 3 months only.
5.2.1. The company has the right to deny granting the bonus as well as deduct the bonus funds at any moment without providing reasons for such action.
5.3 The bonus will also be granted for all consequent deposits made before the end of the participation in the promotion. The bonuses will be granted in accordance with the pp 2.7.
5.4 It is forbidden to trade on the account associated with the promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account can be disqualified and the bonus — annulled. If any concerns about the abuse of the promotion or a fraud arise, and/or falsification of the documents provided by the participant of the promotion is detected, the account can be disqualified and the client may be denied service. Insufficient trading activity on the account can also serve as a valid reason for the reconsideration of the result. For example, placement of a single large trade or several trades with a lower volume, that are placed approximately at the same time with similar prices, which is basically a split of a large trade into smaller trades. With an aim to prevent fraud and money laundering, the Company has the right to deduct the bonus funds or deny granting the bonus at any time without any prior notice.

6. Using the bonus funds
6.1 If a client makes a withdrawal before meeting the trading volume requirement (specified in Article 7.1), all bonus funds will be deducted from the account. Before the required trading volume is met, all funds on the trading account with a bonus present, including the profit, are divided into two parts: the client’s own funds and the company’s funds in accordance with the Personal funds coefficient.
6.2 Personal funds coefficient = Deposit / Deposit + Bonus.
6.3 If any suspicion of fraudulent activity concerning the bonus in a client’s trading strategy arises, the company has the right to correct the results of the trading activities. The part of the trading result, achieved by the involvement of the bonus funds in trading will be annulled.
6.4 Internal transfers, commission payouts, and other non-trading transactions equal deposit/withdrawal transactions.
7 Making the bonus funds withdrawable
7.1 With active trading the bonus funds gradually become the client’s property. For that, a client needs to place trades and for every closed 1 full Lot, a client can claim $3. The trading volume required to make all the bonus funds withdrawable is calculated according to the formula: Bonus amount / $3.
7.2 The withdrawal request is placed in no particular form via email or through the Personal Office upon the end of the bonus term or at the moment of the bonus cancellation.
7.3 The bonus funds cannot be claimed partially.
7.4 The following trading instruments are considered in the calculations: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
7.5 The subject of the request must be: “Individual bonus +200%” – make the bonus withdrawable”, the trading account and the client’s full name.
8 Claims
8.1 All claims may be forwarded to [email protected].
8.2 All claims must contain a full name, the exact residential address, account number and a thorough description of the problem.

To the Moon
在ECN Prime和标准账户交易就可获得免费Serenity代币! -活动时间为2017年12月15日至2018年2月15日 -条件:在ECN Prime下单超过3笔,或在标准账户交易5笔以上(股票CFD除外) -取得的代币可用于支付Serenity Financial的服务费用或在上市后出售。代币面值—0.1ETH

优惠活动项目《登陆 月球》



活动组织方为GrandCapital 和 Serenity宁静金融公司共同举办




参与活动的交易账户类型为:标准账户和ECN Prime专业交易者账户









3.2如果想要获得1个代币,有必要在ECN Prime账户中至少进行三次以上的任何加密货币进行的交易,或者在标准账户中进行至少5次以上的任何资产(除CFD差价合约以外)交易。


请注意,如果想要其他途径获得代币,还需要在社交网络中发布交易信息的截屏 如:Facebook,Twitter,Vkontakte,而且需要添加点赞符号内容 如:#ToTheMoon,#ICOSerenity,#GrandCapital_BestECN。



3.7在参与本次促销的交易账户中,禁止通过匿名代理服务器进行交易。如果帐号中有五个以上的连接属于俄罗斯和/或其他国家不同地区的相同的IP地址,则该帐号会被取消资格。如果组织方发现和怀疑滥用这种行为,则定性为欺诈行为或者参与者提供的个人文件不具有真实性那么也将视为欺诈或伪造行为,该账户也有可能被注销,并且客户可能将被拒绝服务。还有以下情况: 账户上的交易资金活动,例如一笔大笔交易或几笔小笔交易以相似的价格执行,这就是大笔交易分成小笔交易。为防止欺诈和洗钱,本公司保留最终解释权并且自行决定拒绝向客户提供代币的权利,谢谢合作


4.1在符合第3.1-3.5条的条件后,向[email protected]发送一封支持信,并附上社交网络帖子和账号链接,您将获得SERENITY代币记并且录入到您的以太坊钱包内。


在框架内最大代币数量为2,000(200 ETH〜100,000美元)。


关于活动意见以及投诉请发送至 [email protected].

活动期间的意见以及投诉 请注明:名字和姓氏,以及参与者的确切地址,账号,以及相关意见和投诉d详细说明。

于春节期间在ECN Prime账户交易更优惠! 自2月15日至3月15日,我们返还50%于ECN Prime产生的交易手续费。

1. 创建一个ECN Prime交易账户(如果您还没有)。
2. 2月15日至3月15日期间于您的ECN Prime账户交易任何品种。
3. 我们将于3日内返还该账户上产生的交易手续费50%。

ECN Prime账户的标准交易手续费请见合约细则。

Впервые! Бездепозитный бонус в разы больше, чем предлагают другие брокеры.
- $100 на 30 календарных дней для настоящей торговли на рынке;
- не требуется стартовый депозит;
- выводимая прибыль .
Инструкция по получению бездепозитного бонуса $100

1. Общие положения
1.1 Акция действует бессрочно. Об окончании акции будет объявлено отдельно.
1.2 Организатором акции является компания Grand Capital.
1.3 Организатор оставляет за собой право изменить условия акции, а также перечень и характеристики бонусов.
1.4 Организатор может аннулировать акцию в любое время.

2. Участники
2.1 Участниками акции могут стать все клиенты компании, а также те, кто откроет счет в период проведения акции.
2.2 Участвовать в акции могут только верифицированные пользователи. Для верификации необходимо предоставить скан паспорта участника, загрузив его в Личном кабинете, а также верифицировать мобильный телефон участника. Организатор оставляет за собой право в требовании у участника акции дополнительных документов для идентификации личности и адреса его проживания.
2.3 Виды торговых счетов участвующих в акции: счет Welcome bonus $100 с торговыми условиями, аналогичными счету Standard.
2.4 На счете, участвующем в акции, кредитное плечо не может превышать 1:100.
2.5 В акции не могут участвовать сотрудники компании-организатора, их родственники.
2.6 Участник акции обязан руководствоваться данными правилами, которые должны быть им внимательно прочитаны. Незнание правил акции не может служить аргументом при подаче претензии.
2.7 На счет, участвующий в акции, не распространяются другие акции компании.
2.8 Участником акции может быть только физическое лицо.
2.9 Ввод, вывод и внутренний перевод на бонусном счете невозможны.
3. Оформление заявки на бонус
3.1 Для подключения бонуса необходимо в Личном кабинете подать заявку на участие в акции. На странице Акции и бонусы необходимо нажать кнопку "Получить бонус" и следовать инструкциям.

4. Получение бонуса
4.1 Бонус начисляется на счет автоматически при выполнении всех условий регламента.
4.2 Бонус выдается единоразово. Повторное получение бонуса невозможно.
4.3 Бонусные средства начисляются на счет сроком на 30 календарных дней.
4.4 По истечении данного срока бонус списывается, открытые позиции закрываются.
4.5 После списания 100 долларов бонусных средств на торговом счёте остаётся только полученная за 30 дней прибыль, и он преобразуется в реальный счёт типа "Standard" или "Micro".
4.5.1 Тип счета зависит от суммы профита.
4.5.2 Профит размером 100$ и более преобразует бонусный счёт в счет типа "Standard".
4.5.3 Профит размером менее 100$ преобразует бонусный счёт в счет типа "Micro".
4.6 Кредитное плечо на счете не может превышать 1:100.
4.7 Счет не может участвовать в сервисе инвестирования, т.е. становиться управляющим или инвестором.
4.8 Для активации реального счета необходимо в течение 30-и календарных дней произвести пополнение счета на сумму равную или большую полученного профита на бонусном счете, но не менее минимальной суммы необходимой для первого пополнения счета.
4.9 При отсутствии пополнения профит со счета списывается.
4.10 Профит, полученный на бонусном счете, доступен для вывода после совершения объема торговых операций на реальном счете из расчета 1 лот (100 лотов на счете типа Micro) на $3 профита.
4.10.1 В расчетах учитываются торговые инструменты типа FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT 2
4.11 Для перевода бонусных средств в собственность необходимо подать заявку. В сообщении укажите тему «$100 - бездепозитный бонус» – перевод бонуса в собственность», номер торгового счета, фамилию, имя, отчество. Заявка подается в свободной форме по электронной почте или через личный кабинет.
4.12 Частичный вывод профита невозможен.
4.13 Получение бонуса и/или торговля на бонусные средства на разных бонусных счетах с одного IP-адреса запрещена.
4.14 На торговом счете, на который зачислен бонус по настоящей акции, запрещается вести торговлю через анонимный прокси-сервер. При обнаружении более пяти подключений к счету с разных IP-адресов, принадлежащим к разным регионам России и/или других стран, счет может быть дисквалифицирован от начисленного бонуса. При возникновении любых подозрений в злоупотреблениях настоящей бонусной акцией, мошенничестве, а также при выявлении подлога или подделки предоставляемых документов участником акции, счет может быть дисквалифицирован от начисленного бонуса, а клиенту может быть отказано в обслуживании.
4.15 На бонусных средствах запрещена разнонаправленная торговля. Компания оставляет за собой право аннулировать бонус и часть прибыли, полученной в результате торговли из расчета пропорционального соотношения собственных средств клиента к профиту, полученному на бонусном счете, в случае нарушения данного пункта правил.
4.16 Партнерская комиссия за торговлю на бонусные $100 не начисляется.
4.17 Бонусные средства являются собственностью компании.
4.18 При торговле, в первую очередь, используются собственные средства клиента.
4.19 При выводе/внутреннем переводе средств со счета до совершения полного объема торговых операций, размер которых указан в п.4.10, полученная на бонусном счете прибыль списывается досрочно.

5. Претензии
5.1 Претензии по акции могут быть направлены на email: [email protected]
5.2 Все претензии по акции должны содержать: имя и фамилию, точный адрес участника, номер счета, а также подробное описание претензии.

Exchange your points for prizes before July 31st, 2018. –Go to “Prizes” section of the promotion page –Choose a prize and submit a request –An email with instructions will be sent to your email address specified during registration

General terms:
1. Grand Capital is the organizer of the "Gather your World Cup team" promotion
2. The promotion is valid from June 14th through July 15th, 2018
3. Anyone may take part in the promotion.
4. In order to participate, you must be a registered client of Grand Capital.
5. One client may set up only one team.
6. Teams must be registered before July 15th, 2018.
7. All teams and results are available in the leaderboard.
8. The company reserves the right to cancel the promotion or deny participation without providing any reasons.
9. Upon detecting any fraudulent activity on the part of a client, the company reserves the right to disqualify that client.
10. The company holds the right to deny the reward to a client if any concerns about abuse of the rules or fraud arise.
11. The company has the right to change the promotion rules at any time.

How to participate

1. Register with Grand Capital
2. Set up your team. Choose a player from each category. Choose a name and choose a country for your team.
3. Register your team for the World Cup.
4. Follow the results.


1. Points are granted for the player's every action according to the point table.
2. All points are granted and displayed in the rating within 24 hours after the end of each game.
3. Standing of each participant are displayed in the contest rating
4. If the team is registered after the beginning of the championship, the participant cannot claim the points for the completed games. Points are being calculated only after the team is registered. However, the participants can partially claim points for the completed games. To do that, they need to make a deposit to any Grand Capital trading account with any amount starting from $100. The points will be granted upon deposit. The points are calculated as the current average among all the participants.


1. All teams that have been registered through the 25th of June, can add 4 new players to their teams before 8 PM (UTC) June 28th.
2. Starting from June 29th, you will be able to make replacements. The total number of replacements before each stage can be up to 4.
3. You can replace any players.
The replacements will be available:
from June 29th until 2:00 PM (UTC) on June 30th
from July 4th until 2:00 PM July (UTC) on July 6th
from July 8th until 6:00 PM July (UTC) on July 10th
from July 12th until 2:00 PM July (UTC) on July 14th
4. Points earned by the players you replaced will not be lost.
5. Points earned by the new players will only be awarded for the games that were played after the replacement.
6. The points for the previous games will be added according to the article 4 of the present rules.


1. The prize fund is distributed among the players that take 1st, 2nd and the 3rd places respective to the number of points granted based on the results of the World Cup 2018.
2. All company clients can compete for the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd places.
3. Participants that take 1, 2 or 3rd place will receive prizes for the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd place even if they don't have Real accounts with Grand Capital.
4. If two or more teams have the same number of points, the participant with the highest deposit on their accounts will be chosen as the winner.

1st place: Cup, hoodie, t-shirt.
2nd place: Cup, t-shirt, and a mug.
3rd place: Cup and t-shirt.

Exchange of points for Prizes

1. Participants can exchange their points for the prizes from categories A, B, and C

A category
Hoodies — 85 points
T-shirts — 80 points

B category
$1000 bonus* — 65 points
$500 bonus* — 60 points
Mug — 75 points

C category
$200 bonus* — 40 points
Discount on trading robots — 20 points

*Bonus funds trading terms

2. Clients who deposit at least $500 to their Grand Capital account during the run of the promotion from June 15th to July 31st, 2018, will be able to exchange their points for prizes from any category. Note that a client can choose only one prize from A category and any number of prizes from categories B and C.

3. Clients who deposit at least $100 to their Grand Capital account during the run of the promotion from June 15th to July 31st, 2018, will be able to exchange their points for any prizes from categories B or C.

4. Clients who deposit less than $100 to their Grand Capital account during the run of the promotion from June 15th to July 31st, 2018, or do not deposit at all, will be able to exchange their points for any prizes from category C.

How to exchange points for prizes

1. All the accumulated points can be exchanged for prizes.
2. The points can be exchanged for prizes between the 18th of July and 31st of July.
3. To exchange your points for prizes, go to “Prizes” section on the promotion page of our website. Choose a prize and submit a request.
4. The requests to claim prizes must be initiated not later than the 31st of July 2018.

The winners will be announced within 24 hours after the final World Cup 2018 game.


6.1 All claims regarding this promotion may be directed to [email protected]
6.2 All claims must contain the full name, the participant's residential address, account number, team name and a thorough description of the claim.

25美元赠金—外汇交易的美好开端 适合初学者 交易利润可以自由提取 不一定要马上就使用赠金。 赠金将在账户上保留6个月

1.1 活动于2018年10月12日开始,若活动终止将另行公告。
1.2 活动主办方(以下简称主办方)为Grand Capital盛大资本。
1.3 主办方有权变更活动规则及赠金性质。
1.4 主办方有权随时撤销活动。

2.1 所有于活动期间在Grand Capital注册个人中心的新客户皆可参加。
2.2 需验证电话号码以参加活动。主办方保留要求参与方提供其他文件以确认其身份的权利。
2.3 微型交易账户为活动主体。
2.4 参与活动的交易账户杠杆不得高于1:100。
2.5 主办方公司员工及其亲属不得参加活动。
2.6 参与方必须详读规则后才可领取赠金。不清楚规则不视为索赔的理由。
2.7 参与活动的账户不得再申请其他主办方公司提供的优惠或赠金。
2.8 如果在参与活动的账户中已经有其他赠金,则可以在取消该些赠金后记入《赠金$25》。取消需由参与方申请,并需要先完成该活动的所有规则。
2.9 仅有自然人可参加本活动。
2.10 不得于赠金账户进行任何形式的资金转移。


4.1 赠金在提交申请及验证手机号码后会立刻记入交易账户。
4.2 赠金仅可领取一次,无法重复取得。

5.1 欲提从红利交易中获得的利润,必须先完成不少于250微型手的总交易量。
5.2 首次提取利润后,赠金将从账户中扣除。如果账户上仍有剩余利润,也将会被扣除。
5.3 自赠金账户提取利润后,Micro将立即从赠金账户转成真实账户。也就是说,账户交易将按照《交易操作规范》执行,而出人资金等操作则根据《非交易业务的处理和执行规范》。
5.4 可自赠金Micro账户提取的最高金额为50美元。
5.5 赠金的有效期限为6个月。
5.6 在此期间结束时,赠金将被扣除;首次提取利润也需支付手续费(请见第5.8项)。
5.7 记入本活动赠金之交易账户禁止于匿名代理服务器交易。若发现自超过5个不同国家省份的IP位置登入账户,则账户可能遭到注销,赠金亦会被撤销。若发生针对本活动舞弊、诈欺之可疑情事,或揭露伪造、仿冒之参与方文件,则账户可能遭到注销,且本公司可拒绝服务该客户。
5.8 首次从赠金账户中提取资金的手续费为25美元。赠金无法作为手续费扣除。所有后续自赠金账户的取款均按照主办方公司《非交易业务的处理和执行规范》进行。
5.9 25美元赠金的交易操作不记入合作佣金。

6.1 活动索赔申请需发送至[email protected]
6.2 所有活动索赔申请必须包含:姓名、参与方的确切地址、交易帐户号码以及关于索赔事项的详细说明。

Commission-free deposits at Grand Capital
Commission-free deposits at Grand Capital
Payment systems that you use for making deposits into your trading account take fees for the conduction of financial operations. On the average, they are about 2–10% of the total sum, or more. We at Grand Capital always strive to create better trading conditions for our clients. That’s why we compensate the commission of all payment systems* and return the difference to the client’s trading account.

—Deposits of any amount are commission-free.
—Commission-free deposits into any trading account (Standard, Swap Free, Micro, ECN, Platform 5).
—Commission of all payment systems* is compensated.
—Compensation is credited to a client’s trading account together with the deposit.
—Commission amount is calculated and transferred automatically.
—The promotion is valid indefinitely.
—Clients from any country can participate in the promotion.

Learn more
Commission-free deposits
Commission-free deposits
您用于向交易账户存款的支付系统收取进行业务的费用。 平均而言,它们约占总金额的 2-10% 或更多。 我们在 始终努力为客户提供最佳的交易条件。 这就是为什么我们补偿所有支付系统*的佣金并将差额返还给到客户的交易账户。

您用于向交易账户存款的支付系统收取进行业务的费用。 平均而言,它们约占总金额的 2-10% 或更多。

我们始终努力为客户提供最佳的交易条件。 这就是为什么我们补偿所有支付系统*的佣金并将差额返还给到客户的交易账户。

— 补偿与入金都一起存到客户的交易账户。
— 促销活动无限期有效。


1. Open an account Standard or Swap Free.
2. Trade any instruments except CFD STOCK USA and Russian Stocks.
3. Trade continuously for 6 days while placing at least one trade a day.
4. The longer your period of continuous trading, the larger your reward.

我们珍视您对我们的信任!因此我们希望能为您提供更优良的客户服务,使您的交易过程更顺畅。 当您的账户结余达到100,000美元(或其他货币同等金额),您将自动成为VIP客户*,我们将为您提供最佳交易条件及卓越的服务

—透过 VIP 专线,迅速处理您的问题

最慷慨的赠金!每次充值都能获得最高200%赠金。 - 每次充值可获得60%至200%赠金。 - 入金$100起 - 适用标准、伊斯兰、及期权账户

Terms of the offer "200% bonus"

1. General terms
1.1 The promotion runs from the 28th of September until the 30th of November 2020.
1.2 Grand Capital is the sole organizer of the promotion.
1.3 The organizer has the right to change the terms of the promotion, as well as the list and characteristics of the bonuses offered.
1.4 All promotion participants must carefully read the terms of the promotion and follow them. Ignorance of the promotion terms cannot serve as a valid reason when submitting a claim.
1.5 The organizer has the right to cancel the promotion at any time.

2. Participants
2.1 All clients of Grand Capital can take part in the promotion. That includes those who open a Grand Capital trading account during the term of the promotion.
2.2 Valid phone verification and submitted Identification Documents, as well as the confirmation of the residential address, are mandatory for the participation.
2.3 Types of the trading accounts that can take part in the promotion: Standard, Swap Free.
2.4 The leverage for the trading account that was chosen to participate in the promotion cannot exceed 1:100.
2.5 To receive a bonus, a client must deposit to their trading account during the term of the promotion. The client has the right to claim the bonus after each deposit. The bonus amount may be between 60% and 200% depending on the deposit amount, client’s account type and how long they have been trading with Grand Capital.
2.6 The term of the client’s trading in Grand Capital is calculated as the time difference between the registration of the Private Office and the date the request to claim the bonus is submitted. The deposit amount in USD is calculated according to the internal exchange rate of the Organizer at the moment the request to claim the bonus is submitted.
2.7 The bonus amount is calculated according to the following formula:

Account type

Basic bonus: +40%

Deposit amount

From $100 to $300 + 15%
From $300 to $500 + 25%
From $500 to $1,000 + 35 %
From $1,000 to $3,000 + 45 %
Over $3,000 + 60%

The term of trading with Grand Capital

—under half a year: +30%
—0.5–1.5 years: +40%
—1.5–2 years: +50%
—2–3 years: +70%
—over 3 years: +100%

2.8 The minimum deposit amount required to participate in the promotions is $100.
2.9 The maximum amount of the bonuses received cannot exceed 20 000 $
2.10 Employees of Grand Capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.11 Other Grand Capital promotions cannot be applied to the account participating in the “Individual bonus +200%” promotion.
2.12 If other bonuses/promotions have already been applied to the account that a client wishes to use to participate in the “Individual bonus +200%” promotion, the bonus can be granted only after all other promotions/bonuses had been deactivated. That only can be done after the client’s personal request and provided all the conditions of the promotion are met.
2.13 A bonus coefficient is set for the account participating in the promotion, according to the pp.2.7 (Bonus amount). The bonus coefficient is set at the time of the initial deposit.
2.14 For all consecutive deposits the bonus is granted automatically, in accordance with the account’s Bonus coefficient.
2.15 If the amounts of the consecutive deposits are larger than the initial deposit amount or at the moment of a consecutive deposit the client has reached a new level of the term of trading with the company, then the account’s Bonus coefficient is automatically recalculated upward, according to the pp 2.7 (Bonus amount).

3. Bonus request
3.1 To receive a bonus, a client must create a request in their Private Office or contact a personal manager.

5 Claiming the bonus

5.1 The request to claim the bonus is reviewed by the client support within 48 hours. The bonus is then granted to the client’s trading account.
5.2 The bonus funds are granted for 3 months only.
5.2.1. The company has the right to deny granting the bonus as well as deduct the bonus funds at any moment without providing reasons for such action.
5.3 The bonus will also be granted for all consequent deposits made before the end of the participation in the promotion. The bonuses will be granted in accordance with the pp 2.7.
5.4 It is forbidden to trade on the account associated with the promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account can be disqualified and the bonus — annulled. If any concerns about the abuse of the promotion or a fraud arise, and/or falsification of the documents provided by the participant of the promotion is detected, the account can be disqualified and the client may be denied service. Insufficient trading activity on the account can also serve as a valid reason for the reconsideration of the result. For example, placement of a single large trade or several trades with a lower volume, that are placed approximately at the same time with similar prices, which is basically a split of a large trade into smaller trades. With an aim to prevent fraud and money laundering, the Company has the right to deduct the bonus funds or deny granting the bonus at any time without any prior notice.

6. Using the bonus funds
6.1 If a client makes a withdrawal before meeting the trading volume requirement (specified in Article 7.1), all bonus funds will be deducted from the account. Before the required trading volume is met, all funds on the trading account with a bonus present, including the profit, are divided into two parts: the client’s own funds and the company’s funds in accordance with the Personal funds coefficient.
6.2 Personal funds coefficient = Deposit / Deposit + Bonus.
6.3 If any suspicion of fraudulent activity concerning the bonus in a client’s trading strategy arises, the company has the right to correct the results of the trading activities. The part of the trading result, achieved by the involvement of the bonus funds in trading will be annulled.
6.4 Internal transfers, commission payouts, and other non-trading transactions equal deposit/withdrawal transactions.
7 Making the bonus funds withdrawable
7.1 With active trading the bonus funds gradually become the client’s property. For that, a client needs to place trades and for every closed 1 full Lot, a client can claim $3. The trading volume required to make all the bonus funds withdrawable is calculated according to the formula: Bonus amount / $3.
7.2 The withdrawal request is placed in no particular form via email or through the Personal Office upon the end of the bonus term or at the moment of the bonus cancellation.
7.3 The bonus funds cannot be claimed partially.
7.4 The following trading instruments are considered in the calculations: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
7.5 The subject of the request must be: “Individual bonus +200%” – make the bonus withdrawable”, the trading account and the client’s full name.
8 Claims
8.1 All claims may be forwarded to [email protected].
8.2 All claims must contain a full name, the exact residential address, account number and a thorough description of the problem.

Santa saves the day!
Santa saves the day!
Santa is back with plentiful presents for our dear clients, he knows that whatever your behavior was this year, you definitely deserve better! Grand Capital launches the Christmas contest "Santa saves the day": make a deposit, engage in active trading from December 16th to 31st, and get the opportunity to bring home one of the generous money prizes up to $5,000 from the Good Santa whom we all need this year.

Terms of the contest

1. General terms and conditions

1.1 The “Good Santa” promotion (hereinafter “the contest”) is held from December 16th, 2020, 7:00AM (UTC) to December 31st, 2020, 7:00AM (UTC).

1.2 The contest is organized by Grand Capital Ltd. (hereafter “The Company”)

1.3 Total prize fund is $8,500.

1.4 Only real Standard accounts can be used to participate in the contest.

1.5 The minimum deposit amount required to participate is $200.

2. Participants

2.1 Both new and existing clients of Grand Capital Ltd. with real Standard accounts can participate in the contest.

2.2 Clients who have multiple accounts can only use a single account to participate in the contest.

2.3 Employees of Grand Capital Ltd. and their relatives cannot participate in the competition.

2.4 Clients who had previously claimed any bonus amount can also participate in the contest.

2.5 A participant must carefully read and follow the present rules. Ignorance of the rules cannot be considered as a valid claim reason.

3. Participation in the contest

3.1 In order to participate, one has to open a Standard account or use one of the existing Standard accounts.

3.2 Personal data provided by the participant upon registration of a Standard account has to match the Documents uploaded in the Personal Cabinet, in accordance with the Regulation. If the data does not match, Grand Capital holds the right to disqualify the participant at any time.

3.3 To register, go to the contest page at https://grandcapital.net/promo/good_santa, enter a username, choose the account you wish to use and confirm your participation.

3.4 After a successful contest registration procedure, participant’s client number is transferred to the company’s list of contest participants.

3.5 The contest registration is open during the entire period of contest duration — until 7:00AM on December 31st, 2020.

3.6 You can follow the results in our online leaderboard.

3.7 If a client has a Personal Office, but does not have a Standard account, he/she can open a Standard account and register it in the contest.

3.8 If a client does not have a Personal Office with Grand Capital Ltd, he/she should register on the website. After that, access to Personal Office will be granted, where the client can open Standard account in order to participate in the contest.

3.9 It is forbidden to operate an account associated with the present promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account will be disqualified.

3.10 The Company is obliged to protect the privacy of all the contest participants. Only usernames of the participants and their account IDs will be used in the leaderboard and in the final announcement of the results.

4. Duration of the contest

4.1. The contest will last 2 weeks (12 working days).

4.2. The contest starts on December 16th, 2020, at 7:00AM (UTC) and ends on December 31st, 2020, at 7:00AM (UTC). The results will be announced after December 31st.

5. Transactions on contest account

5.1. While performing any transaction participants must follow “The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions” and affiliated documents.

5.2. Maximum leverage cannot be higher than 1:100.

5.3. Any assets can be traded in order to increase your rating (except shares of Russian and American companies: CFD STOCKS US, Russian STOCKS). Only closed trades at the moment of the contest expiration can be used to determine the final results. Open trades cannot be used for rating calculation.

5.4. There is no limit to the number of simultaneously open positions.

5.5. Maximum amount of open Lots is 25.

5.6. Multidirectional trading is prohibited.

5.7 If any malicious activity or actions that contradict with the terms and conditions of the contest or The Company’s regulations are detected, the participant associated with it will be disqualified.

6. The contest results

6.1 All the results of the contest will be published on the company’s website in an online rating (aka leaderboard) which updates every 2 hours. The results published on the website while the contest is still taking place cannot be considered final.

6.2 The three traders who earn the most points to their accounts will be proclaimed winners. Points are earned according to the following factors: your initial deposit, the number of lots traded during the run of the promotion in your contest account, as well as the amount of additional funds deposited into your contest account during the run of the promotion. The three winners will receive:

$5,000 – 1st place

$2,000 – 2nd place

$1,000 – 3rd place

There are also 50 prizes $10 each for participants who finish 4th to 53th.

6.3 The prize funds can only be deposited to the real Standard account used to participate in the Contest. The trading volume on this account during its participation in the Contest should amount to no less than 1 (one) full lot.

6.4 Participants can withdraw prize funds at any time after they are deposited to the participant’s account

6.5 Final results of the contest will be determined in 3 (three) working days time upon the contest completion and will be published on the company’s website not later than 4 working days after the contest ends.

6.6 Prize funds will be deposited to the winners’ accounts within two weeks time after the final results are announced.

6.7 Prize funds are deposited according to the company’s exchange rate. If order to receive the prize funds the winner must request it through the Private Office.

In order to request the prize funds follow the instructions:

1.Go to your Private Office – Support – Create Ticket

In the title you should state:

Contest name, Contest dates, Your position in the rating.

2.In the Text field you will need to state:

Standard account number

Your Full name

For example:

Title: Contest “Good Santa”

1st place

Text: Account Standard №123123, Markus McKinsley

6.8 The winners are determined as following:

-To calculate the rating we use a Trade Volume, according to which the participants’ positions are calculated (the higher the volume, the higher participant’s position is).

-The Volume is calculated with the formula: V=N*(B+D/100), where

N – total number of Lots traded, B – account balance at the moment the contest starts, D – deposits made while the contest was going on.

Example: Participant’s Initial deposit was 200USD. During the round the following orders were opened: EURUSD – 1.6 Lots, USDCAD – 1.2 Lots. During the round the participant deposited additional $150 to the account. In this case, the final result will be calculated as following:

V=(1.6+1.2+2.1)*(200+150/100)=987,35 (the Volume will be shown in the rating)

6.9 If it is determined that the winner used fraud schemes to achieve the results, he/she will be disqualified and the prize funds will be given to the next participant in the rating.

6.10 The final results cannot and shall not be revised.

7. Claims

7.1 All claims that arise during the contest regarding account transactions will be dealt with according to The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions.

7.2 If the rating is boosted intentionally with abusing various system malfunctions or inaccuracy in the formulas or the Terms and conditions of the Contest, Grand Capital Ltd. has the right to issue a warning or disqualify the participant. Also, if any fraudulent behavior is detected, the Company has the right to disqualify such participant.

7.3 The disputes will be resolved based on common market practice.

7.4 All claims regarding the Contest can be sent to [email protected]

7.5 All the claims should contain the following information: Participant’s full name, Participant’s Residential Address, Account ID and Full description of the problem.

8. Force Majeure

8.1 The company can suspend or terminate the contest if a considerable amount of participants are put in unfair conditions compared to the remaining participants.

8.2 In the event of termination of the Contest, the company may resume it with the same participants (having saved their account at the time of suspension or restore the state of the accounts as it was at the beginning of the contest), or hold the registration again and the launch a new contest. Should such event occur, the company will notify the clients by announcement published on the website).

8.3 If the contest is not resumed and therefore, not completed, the results of the contest cannot be considered Final and cannot be a reason for awarding prizes.

8.4 The company holds the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest at any time.

Demo trading with real profit!
Demo trading with real profit!
A new mobile-exclusive promotion will be available for Grand Trade users from: claim the profit from demo trading in your real account.

1 General terms.

1.1 The promotion is valid from February 19th, 2021 to March 20th, 2021.
1.2 The organizer of the promotion is Grand Capital.
1.3 The organizer retains the right to alter the terms of the promotion, as well as the list and specifics of the bonus.
1.4 The organizer retains the right to cancel the promotion at any time.

2. Participants

2.1 All clients with a Demo account in the mobile app Grand Trade can take part in the promotion.
2.2 Only verified users can take part in the promotion. In order to get verified, the client have to upload a scan of their ID in the Private Office, as well as verify their phone number. The organizer retains the right to ask for additional documents to confirm the client’s identity and place of residence.
2.3 Account types eligible for the promotion: Demo.
2.4 The highest allowed leverage in the participating account is 1:100.
2.5 Employees of the organizer and their relatives can not participate in the promotion.
2.6 All participants of the promotion must carefully read and follow the present rules. Ignorance of the terms can not be used as an excuse when submitting a claim.
2.7 Only individuals can take part in the promotion.

3 Terms of receiving the bonus

3.1 Participants must register in the mobile app Grand Trade, a Demo account with 1:100 leverage will be created automatically.
3.2 Participants place trades in a demo account with the purpose of making profit.
3.2.1 Only the profit received during the period not longer than two weeks starting from the first opened trade can be transferred into a real account.
3.3 Upon the end of the two-week period, the participant can submit a request to transfer the profit (if there is any) to their real account of a particular type. Transfer requests must be submitted via the client support. Write “100% profit bonus for demo trading” as the topic of your message to the client support, specify your account ID, and your full name. Request written in no particular form must be submitted via email or the support chat in the mobile app. The bonus is approved if all the participation conditions are met.
3.3.1 Depending on the profit amount, the bonus funds can be transferred to real accounts of different types.
3.3.2 Profit of at least $100 is transferred to a Standard account, while profits under $100 are transferred to a Micro account.
3.3.3 The real account to which the bonus is transferred to must not use leverage higher than 1:100.
3.4 The bonus funds equal to the profit generated in the demo account are transferred to a real account after the client makes a deposit of at least equal amount. If the deposit is less than the profit amount, the bonus funds will be transferred in the amount of the deposit.
3.5 The bonus will not be granted if the participant does not make a deposit into their real account.
3.6 The bonus transferred to a real account will become available for withdrawal after meeting the trading volume requirement: 1 lot (or 100 lots in a Micro account) per $5 of profit.
3.6.1 Only trades involving FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, and FOREX EXT 2 are eligible for the trading volume requirement.
3.7 Profit can’t be withdrawn in part.
3.8 Claiming the bonus and/or trading with the bonus funds in different bonus accounts from one IP address is forbidden.
3.9 It is forbidden to operate an account associated with the present promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account can be disqualified and the bonus annulled. If any concerns about the abuse of the promotion or a fraud arise, and/or falsification of the documents provided by the participant of the promotion is detected, the account can be disqualified and the client may be denied service.
3.10 Multidirectional trading is forbidden in the demo account. The company retains the right to annul all profit generated by trading in the demo account in case of violation of this article.
3.11 Bonus funds are the property of the company until they are transferred into the client’s ownership after the trading volume requirements are met.
3.12 The client’s personal funds are always used first when trading in a real account.
3.13 In case of a withdrawal or an internal transfer from the account before the trading volume requirement is met (according to the Article 3.6 of the present terms), the bonus funds are annulled prematurely.

6 Claims

6.1 All claims can be directed to [email protected].
6.2 All claims must contain the client’s full name, precise address, account ID and a thorough description of the problem.

O bônus é válido de 7 de setembro até 31 de 2021 Tipo de conta: Padrão, e Swap free

1. Termos e Condições Gerais

1.1 O bônus é válido de 7 de setembro até 31 de 2021
1.2 A Grand Capital é o único organizador da promoção.
1.3 O organizador tem o direito de alterar os termos da promoção, bem como as características dos bónus oferecidos.
1.4 Todos os participantes da promoção devem ler atentamente os termos da promoção e segui-los. A ignorância dos termos da promoção não pode servir como uma razão válida ao apresentar uma reivindicação.
1.5 O organizador tem o direito de cancelar a promoção a qualquer momento.

2. Participantes
2.1 Todos os clientes da Grand Capital podem participar na promoção. Isso inclui aqueles que abrirem novas contas na Grand Capital durante o prazo da promoção.
2.2 A verificação válida por telefone e os documentos de identificação enviados bem como a confirmação do endereço residencial são obrigatórios para a participação.
2.3 Tipos de contas comerciais que podem participar na promoção: Standard, Swap Free.
2.4 A alavancagem da conta de negociação escolhida para participar da promoção não pode exceder 1:100.
2.5 Para receber um bônus, o cliente deve depositar em sua conta de negociação durante o prazo da promoção. O cliente tem o direito de solicitar o bônus após cada depósito. O valor do bônus pode ser entre 60% e 200%, dependendo do valor do depósito, do tipo de conta e quanto tempo o cliente têm negociado com a Grand Capital.
2.6 O prazo de negociação do cliente na Grand Capital é calculado a partir do registo na Grand Capital até a data em que é apresentado o pedido para solicitar o bónus. O valor do depósito em USD é calculado de acordo com a taxa de câmbio interna do organizador no momento em que a solicitação do bônus é enviada.
2.7 O valor do bónus é calculado de acordo com a seguinte fórmula:

Tipo de conta
Bônus básico: +40%.

Valor do depósito
De $ 100 a $ 300 + 15%
De $ 300 a $ 500 + 25%
De $ 500 a $ 1000 + 35%
De $ 1000 a $ 3000 + 45%
Mais de $ 3000 + 60%

O prazo de negociação com a Grand Capital
-com menos de meio ano: +30%
-0,5-1,5 anos: +40%
-1,5-2 anos: +50%
-2-3 anos: +70%
- superior a 3 anos: +100%

2.8 O valor mínimo exigido para participar das promoções é de $ 100.
2.9 O montante máximo dos bónus recebidos não pode exceder 20 000 $
2.10 Os funcionários da Grand Capital e seus familiares não podem participar da promoção.
2.11 Outras promoções da Grand Capital não podem ser aplicadas à conta que participa da promoção "Bónus Individual + 200%".
2.12 Se outros bónus / promoções já foram aplicados à conta que um cliente deseja utilizar para participar na promoção "Bónus Individual + 200%", o bónus só pode ser concedido depois de todas as outras promoções / bónus terem sido desactivadas. Isso só pode ser feito após o pedido pessoal do cliente e desde que todas as condições da promoção sejam atendidas.
2.13 Um coeficiente de bônus é estabelecido para a conta participante da promoção, de acordo com a pp.2.7 (Valor do bônus). O coeficiente de bônus é definido no momento do depósito inicial.
2.14 Para todos os depósitos consecutivos, o bônus é concedido automaticamente, de acordo com o coeficiente de Bônus da conta.
2.15 Se os montantes dos depósitos consecutivos forem maiores do que o valor do depósito inicial ou no momento de um depósito consecutivo, o cliente atingiu um novo nível de prazo de negociação com a empresa, o coeficiente de Bônus da conta é automaticamente recalculado para cima, de acordo com Para o pp 2,7 (Bonus amount).

3. Pedido de bônus
3.1 Para receber um bônus, um cliente deve criar um pedido em seu escritório privado ou entrar em contato com um gerente pessoal.

4. Cancelar o bônus
4.1 O cliente tem o direito de cancelar o bónus a qualquer momento. Neste caso, os fundos de bônus e a parte do lucro recebido pela negociação dos fundos de bônus são deduzidos de sua conta. Os fundos restantes do cliente ficam livres para retirada.

5 Reivindicação do bônus
5.1 A solicitação do bônus é revisada pelo suporte dentro de 48 horas. O bônus é então concedido à conta de negociação do cliente.
5.2 Os fundos de bónus são concedidos por apenas 3 meses.
5.2.1. A empresa tem o direito de negar a concessão do bônus, bem como deduzir os fundos de bônus a qualquer momento sem fornecer razões para tal ação.
5.3 O bônus também será concedido para todos os depósitos conseqüentes efetuados antes do término da participação na promoção. Os bônus serão concedidos de acordo com as pp 2.7.
5.4 É proibido negociar na conta associada à promoção através de um servidor proxy anônimo. Se mais de 5 (cinco) conexões com a conta de diferentes endereços IP pertencentes a regiões diferentes forem detectadas, a conta pode ser desqualificada e o bônus - anulado. Se surgirem preocupações sobre o abuso da promoção ou a ocorrência de fraude e / ou falsificação dos documentos fornecidos pelo participante da promoção, a conta poderá ser desclassificada e o cliente poderá ser recusado. Uma atividade de negociação insuficiente na conta também pode servir como uma razão válida para a reconsideração do resultado. Por exemplo, uma única ordem muito grande ou várias várias ordens com volume muito pequeno que são colocados aproximadamente ao mesmo tempo com preços semelhantes, que é basicamente uma divisão de um grande ordem em pequenas ordens. Com o objetivo de prevenir a fraude e o branqueamento de capitais, a companhia tem o direito de deduzir os fundos de bônus ou negar a concessão do bônus a qualquer momento sem qualquer aviso prévio.

6. Usando fundos de bônus
6.1 Se um cliente fizer um saque antes de cumprir o requisito de volume de negociação (especificado no Artigo 7.1), todos os fundos de bônus serão deduzidos da conta. Antes de o volume de negociação requerido ser atingido, todos os fundos da conta de negociação com um bónus presente, incluindo o lucro, são divididos em duas partes: os fundos próprios do cliente e os fundos da empresa de acordo com o coeficiente de fundos pessoais.
6.2 Coeficiente de fundos pessoais = Depósito / Depósito + Bônus.
6.3 Se surgir qualquer suspeita de actividade fraudulenta relacionada com o bónus na estratégia de negociação de um cliente, a empresa tem o direito de corrigir os resultados das actividades de negociação. A parte do resultado de negociação alcançada pelo envolvimento dos fundos de bônus na negociação será anulada.
6.4 As transferências internas, pagamentos de comissões e outras transacções não comerciais equivalem a transacções de depósito / retirada.

7 Retirar os fundos de bônus
7.1 Com a negociação ativa, os fundos de bônus se tornam gradualmente propriedade do cliente. Para isso, um cliente precisa execuatr ordens e para cada 1 Lote cheio fechado o cliente pode reivindicar $ 3. O volume de negociação necessário para tornar todos os fundos de bônus extraíveis é calculado de acordo com a fórmula: Valor de bônus / $ 3.
7.2 O pedido de retirada não é colocado em nenhuma forma particular via e-mail ou através do Escritório Pessoal no final do prazo do bônus ou no momento do cancelamento do bônus.
7.3 Os fundos de bônus não podem ser reivindicados parcialmente.
7.4 Os seguintes instrumentos de negociação são considerados nos cálculos: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
7.5 O objecto do pedido deve ser: "Bónus da independência + 200%" - tornar o bónus extraível ", o ID da conta comercial e o nome completo do cliente.

8 Reclamações
8.1 Todas as reivindicações podem ser encaminhadas para [email protected].
8.2 Todas as reivindicações devem conter um nome completo, o endereço residencial exato, o número da conta e uma descrição completa do problema.

Receber o bónus
Free month of golden status payback!
Free month of golden status payback!
Grand Capital is celebrating its 16th anniversary and gifts all of our traders a month of golden status payback, which is usually achieved by trading for 31+ consecutive days. By using this festive offer, you will receive a payback of 1.5USD for each lot you trade! The remuneration of the payback occurs on a daily basis. Payback is deposited into the same account which was used for trading. The promotion will last from October 10 to November 10. Happy trading with Grand Capital!

General terms
1.1 The promotion is valid indefinitely. It will be publicly announced when the promotion is completed.
1.2 The sole organizer of the promotion is Grand Capital, Ltd.
1.3 The organizer holds the right to change the conditions and payback amounts at any time.
1.4 The organizer holds the right to cancel the promotion at any time.
1.5 The Payback service is part of the Company's bonus program. The Company has the right at any time to refuse partial or full payment of funds within the service without explanation, and also partially or fully deduct funds already accrued under the terms of service from the Client’s trading account.

Participation procedure
2.1 All clients who place trades using a real Standard account can participate in the promotion.
2.2 If a client has more than one Standard account then the payback will be calculated separately for each of the accounts.
2.3 Participation in other Grand Capital promotions does not restrict participation in Payback program anyway.
2.4 Only verified accounts can participate in the promotion. In order to verify an account, the account holder must provide his/her national identity document scan by uploading it in the “Documents” section in the Private Office. Personal mobile phone number must also be verified. The organizer can request additional documents to identify client’s identity and residential address.
2.5 Grand Capital employees and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.6 Only individuals can participate in the promotion
2.7 All participants must read the rules carefully. Ignorance of the rules cannot be used to support a complaint.

Payback procedure
3.1 All active real Standard accounts are automatically eligible for Payback loyalty program. No additional registration is required.
3.2 Payback is calculated only starting from the next day following 5 consecutive days of active trading. Active trading day is a day when a trade was open or closed. The trade should be at least 5 minutes long.
3.3 Continuous trading means placing trading operations on a daily basis day: at least one trading operation a day. All orders must remain in the market for at least 5 minutes.
3.4 Depending on the number of consecutive trading days, a client will be given one of the following statuses:
Newbie — 5 or less consecutive days
Bronze — from 6 to 15 consecutive days
Silver — from 16 to 30 consecutive days
Gold — over 31 consecutive days

4. The following formula is used to calculate the amount of consecutive trading days:
If trading activities are carried out 2 or more working days in a row, the day meter adds 1 credit for every consecutive trading day.
When no trading activity is carried out in a working day, the day meter value is reduced by 1.
Day meter value cannot be less than 0.

5. Payback is deposited on a daily basis and is calculated as follows:
Newbie — 0
Bronze –$0.5 for 1 lot
Silver – $1 for 1 lot
Gold –$1.5 for 1 lot

Trade turnover calculations include positions opened on instruments of FOREX MAJORS, FOREXT EXT 1, FOREXT EXT 2, FOREX METALS groups.
Payback is deposited into the account which was used for trading.

7.1 Payback is deposited on a daily basis – all statistics is available in the client’s Private Office.
Payback funds are available for withdrawal and internal transfers right after they have been deposited to the client’s account.
If it is determined that a client is abusing the terms and conditions, the company holds the right to discontinue payback deposition, as well as withdraw the payback funds that had been previously deposited to the account. If the amount of funds to be withdrawn exceeds the account’s balance, the company can withdraw the needed amount from other client’s accounts.
The company holds the right to change the payback amounts according to the changing market conditions and make changes for the Payback program terms and conditions.

11.1 All claims can be submitted to [email protected].
11.2 All claims must include: name and last name, client’s residential address, an account number and full description of the issue.

Claim bonus

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